When To Take CBD Oil For Sleep? Here’s What You Want To Know

In order to get the best results from CBD for sleep, when to take CBD oil for sleep? CBD products taken 30 to 60 minutes prior to bedtime may improve the onset or duration of sleep. Based on a number of variables, such as your method of ingestion, dosage, individual metabolism rate, and weight, this period will differ.
While CBD oil used in beverages or edibles may take 60 to 90 minutes to start working, drops of CBD oil placed under the tongue typically start working in 15 to 30 minutes.
Please read on.
Table of Contents
How And When To Take CBD Oil For Sleep
The biphasic nature of CBD results from the fact that the effects vary with dose.
Smaller doses of CBD may increase focus and energy while larger doses may have sedative effects.
Take a low dose of CBD in the morning and up until the afternoon if you want to optimize your internal clock, and then take a higher dose in the evening, preferably 30 to 60 minutes prior to bedtime.
Your brain receives signals that it has done a good job and that it is time to rest when you remain productive throughout the day.
Conversely, if you work night shifts and your sleep-wake cycle is thrown off, CBD can help you get to sleep and stay asleep all night while allowing you to unwind before going to bed.
How Much CBD Should I Consume Before Bed?
Higher doses typically have a positive overall impact on sleep. A high dose, however, can mean entirely different amounts to two people. Everybody has a different ideal dosage range for falling asleep.
Nevertheless, a lot of people get good results from doses of between 40 mg and 160 mg per serving. You can start at the lower end and gradually increase your daily intake of CBD oil until you find the dose that is most effective for you.
How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil To Make You Sleepy
Usually between 15 and 30 minutes, but this will vary depending on your age, weight, metabolism, and whether you take CBD oil on an empty or full stomach.
When CBD oil is ingested sublingually, it bypasses the liver’s first-pass metabolism and enters the bloodstream through a sparse network of capillaries.
Oral products, such as CBD capsules, gummies, or honey sticks, on the other hand, must first pass through the digestive system before beginning to work, so there may be a delay of up to two hours.
The calming effects of CBD oil typically last up to 6 hours, with peak potency occurring within 1.5 hours of consumption.
How Does CBD Work?
The endocannabinoid system, which is in charge of preserving the body’s balance (homeostasis), is where CBD interacts with receptors all over your body. Numerous physiological functions that are connected to sleep are impacted, including your immune system, hormone levels, pain receptors, and sleep/wake cycles.
In addition to offering a number of health benefits, such as treating epilepsy and providing relief for chronic pain, there is also a growing body of evidence to suggest that it can help you get a good night’s sleep.
How Does CBD Help With Insomnia?
After addressing the environmental factors (and cutting back on your caffeine intake in the afternoon), you can move on to addressing some of the other underlying factors, which is where CBD comes in.
Leading medical figures like Peter Grinspoon, M.D., have endorsed positive effects of CBD oil on people who suffer from insomnia, according to studies., professor at College of Medicine at Harvard. In a blog post published by Grinspoon, he said that “for patients who suffer through the misery of insomnia, studies suggest that CBD may be useful for both getting to sleep and staying asleep.”
This perspective has been supported by a peer-reviewed study in The Permanente Journal that monitored the sleep patterns of patients over a period of three months while taking CBD oil before bed. The doctors discovered that, on average, the patients’ sleep quality got better with time. This could imply that ongoing CBD use provides long-term relief for people who suffer from chronic insomnia. The study concluded that “in this evaluation, CBD appears to be better tolerated than routine psychiatric medication”, with 67% of patients experiencing an improvement in sleep at the end of the first month, and 56% reporting an improvement after the second month when compared with the first month.
How To Use CBD Oil For Sleep?
Consider using CBD oil to help you sleep if you think it would be beneficial. Take it 30 to 60 minutes prior to going to bed.
With the help of the dropper included with the oil, portion out your CBD dosage and hold it under your tongue for 60 seconds before swallowing. To increase the surface area for absorption, you can move the tongue around your gums and palate.
When it begins to work, you should experience a calming wave of relaxation and a calmness of mind. Once an hour has passed following ingestion, the effects will start to intensify.
Can You Take CBD Oil And Sleeping Aids Together?
You may be thinking about combining CBD and sleeping pills if you’re desperate to get those 8 hours of good sleep.
It’s critical to establish whether CBD and the pills will interact and, if so, what kind of interaction they will produce. Once more, your doctor should handle this.
Although more research is required, current data indicates that CBD may change the levels of many medications in the body.

Why Do I Find It Hard To Sleep?
You may have a better chance of resolving your issue if you understand why you’re having trouble falling and staying asleep. There are many different conditions that can lead to problems sleeping, such as:
- Delayed sleep phase disorder
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Narcolepsy
- Restless leg syndrome
- Shift work sleep disorder
- Sleep apnea
It’s also possible that you don’t have a specific illness and that certain factors have had an impact on your ability to sleep even though you don’t. These may include:
- Age
- Alcohol
- Caffeine
- Diet
- Gender
- Jet lag
- Lack of exercise
- Medication
- Work or home life
- Nicotine
- Overeating
- Poor sleeping habits
- Stress
- uneasy sleeping circumstances (i.e. bedding, temperature, position, lighting, sound)
- Untreated pain
- Varying bed time
CBD Oil And Sleep — What We Know
Almost one in three of us regularly have trouble falling asleep.
The Sleep Foundation claims that there are numerous ways in which CBD may function as a sleep aid. It may help alleviate:
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
- Parkinson’s disease-related REM and sleeping problems. (Be aware that the results are conflicting. This study found that when CBD was compared to a placebo, it had no impact on healthy participants’ sleep-wake cycles.
- Daytime drowsiness
The science behind why it improves sleep quality is still up for debate.
According to current theories, it either results from CBD’s ability to reduce pain and inflammation or from its direct impact on the mechanisms of sleep. It seems promising either way.
In this 2019 study, it was discovered that CBD enhanced sleep quality in 66.7% of participants after just one month of clinical use. (The initial impact was substantial, but it’s important to note that these results were not sustained throughout the course of the study.)
This survey found that managing stress, anxiety, and sleep disorders with low doses of CBD was effective.
The Effect Of CBD On Your Brain And Body
Cannabis is not psychoactive at all, according to some reports, but this is debatable. Your perceptions and behavior may be affected, and it may alter the way your brain’s chemicals behave.
The endocannabinoid system, which plays a significant role in your central nervous system, appears to be the mechanism by which CBD interacts with this system and confers one of its main benefits. Endocannabinoids are similar to cannabinoids, the chemical compounds in cannabis, but they are made by your body naturally.
The cannabinoid (or CB) receptors in your brain and body are primarily found in your nervous system and brain, and they play a variety of roles in your body, including regulating pain and mood.
Although the research is still in its infancy, CBD interacts with CB receptors to affect mood and change experiences of anxiety and depression. Due to the strong correlation between mental health and getting enough sleep, this may also improve your sleep.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much CBD Should I Take Before Going To Bed?
Taking CBD in doses as low as 25 mg may help people who have trouble falling or staying asleep because of anxiety, depression, pain, or stress. Adults in good health may need much higher doses (300 to 600 mg per day).
What Happens If I Take CBD Oil Before Going To Bed?
Your body can become less stressed and more relaxed by taking the right dosage of CBD oil 30 to 60 minutes before bed. This may help you fall asleep more quickly and enhance the overall quality of your sleep.
Final Words
Although the research is still in its early stages, many users claim that CBD helps them sleep better. It is unclear whether this is because it interacts with the physiological processes related to sleep or because it helps to alleviate circumstances that might interfere with sleep.
It’s crucial to take it carefully in either case, especially if you have liver disease or are taking any other medications that could interact with it. A 25 milligram CBD dose administered under the tongue with a dropper one or two hours prior to bedtime is a good place to start if you want to try it to get a good night’s sleep.
Thank you for reading.