6 Month Sleep Regression In Babies: What To Do

What to do for a 6 month sleep regression in babies?
As a parent, you are aware of how important sleep is to both you and your child. Therefore, it can be upsetting when your baby suddenly starts waking up more at night. But don’t lose hope—the 6 month sleep regression is a positive sign!
It indicates that the growth and development of your child are normal. It’s not necessarily less exhausting just because it’s normal.
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Table of Contents
Exists A Sleep Regression After 6 Months?
It is possible for a baby to experience a 6-month sleep regression, but a 4-month sleep regression is more typical. Sleep regressions can happen at any age, but they typically start at 8 months and then again at 12 months. However, a 6-month sleep regression is very likely, in part because your baby’s world is rapidly growing.
At 6 months old, she is learning new motor skills and beginning to babble, so this explosion of new experiences may make her more motivated to stay awake (perhaps to practice?) rather than drift off the way she has in the past.
What Is The Sleep Regression Of 6 Months?
A temporary change in a baby’s regular sleep schedule, called a 6-month sleep regression, can cause increased sleep disruption or make it harder to fall asleep.
Many infants hit new social, cognitive, and emotional milestones at 6 months old, such as recognizing familiar faces and reaching out for particular toys. Additionally, they frequently start to sleep more deeply and for longer stretches at night.
A sleep regression, which frequently involves a baby being fussy and having trouble falling asleep at bedtime, can appear to reverse this progress.
According to one theory, sleep regressions happen to all children at the same age. Experts now agree that there isn’t a single timeline for sleep regressions. Instead, each baby develops their own schedule for establishing sleep patterns.
As a result, not all infants experience a 6-month sleep regression. When babies are 6 months old, many still struggle to sleep through the night.
As a child develops, accomplishes new milestones, and establishes new routines for both daily activity and sleep, there will inevitably be ups and downs. Despite the fact that a 6-month sleep regression can be difficult for parents, it is usually only temporary and is a normal stage of infant development.
What Is The Duration Of The Infant’s 6-month Sleep Regression?
Fortunately, a 6-month sleep regression should pass quickly, just like many other phases in your child’s development. Once your baby becomes accustomed to her new skills and understands that the night isn’t the best time to practice them, the sleep regression will likely pass in a few weeks (often two or more, but this can vary).
You can be confident that letting her cry it out for a little while is okay for now — and maybe the good way to approach sleep regression at first. At this point, you might also be trying to sleep train your infant because the 5- to 6-month mark is a smart time to start.
Causes Of The 6-month-old Sleep Regression
The causes of the 6-month sleep regression are rather diverse and may include:
- Rolling over. Between 5 and 6 months, most babies can roll over, and yours may do so more than once. She might even find herself confined to the crib and begin grumbling about it.
- Babbling. Ba-ba-ba is a cute sound, but not at three in the morning.! The newfound ability of your infant to babble and coo may be keeping her occupied in the crib.
- crawling and creeping. Your baby might be beginning to move around while playing and doing tummy time, and this recent change might make her want more at night.
- Starting to sit. Some babies will be able to push themselves into a seated position between 6 and 7 months, which may surprise your child and cause tears.
- Separation anxiety. A baby’s social growth, such as separation anxiety, which can start up for some infants around the 6-month mark, can also disturb their sleep.
- Tooth eruption. The majority of baby teeth begin to erupt between the ages of 6 and 12 months, and the associated pain may prevent your baby from falling asleep.
The 6 month Sleep Regression Signs
The most obvious indicator of a 6-month sleep regression is the recurrence of one or more sleep issues after the baby’s sleep had been getting better. These sleeping issues include, for instance:
- Trouble falling asleep
- Waking up more often during the night
- Fussing or crying at sleep times or immediately after waking up
Babies can develop consistent sleeping habits over a wide range of time frames, and many still experience sleep disturbances at 6 months. A 6-month-old’s sleep is likely to be uneven because they are undergoing such rapid development. This is why a few sleepless nights may not necessarily indicate a true regression in a 6-month-old’s sleep. See more about How To Put A Baby To Sleep In 40 Seconds?
When To Talk To Your Pediatrician
An infant who is 6 months old typically needs between 12 and 15 hours of sleep per day, including all naps. Sleep interruptions are typically not a cause for concern in infants because it is normal for this total sleep to occur in fits and starts.
During a routine check-up, you can discuss any concerns you may have about your child’s sleep with your pediatrician. It might make you feel more at ease about your baby’s sleep habits if you talk about them over time.
You should also inform your pediatrician if you notice any of the following symptoms along with your baby’s difficulty sleeping:
- Limited growth
- Odd breathing or loud snoring while sleeping
- Difficulties with feeding
- Missed milestones in physical or cognitive development
Steps To Handle Sleep Issues In 6 Month
Parents should reevaluate how they handle their child’s sleep when a 6 month sleep regression occurs. While there isn’t a guaranteed treatment for sleep regression, adopting healthy infant sleep practices can help reinforce good habits that foster better sleep in the short- and long-term7.
- Review safe sleep guidelines8. The importance of putting a baby to bed on their back and avoiding soft objects in their crib, which can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), does not diminish as they get older and are able to roll over on their own.
- Follow a regular sleep schedule. Having a schedule with regular times for bed and naps can stabilize your baby’s sleep pattern even though you might not be able to manage it to the minute.
- Institute a bedtime routine. Use the same routine of bedtime preparations every night to let your baby know that it is time to go to sleep. This has been shown to enhance infant sleep 9. Feed your infant just before bedtime, and then engage in some soothing activities like rocking or cuddling to help them relax before bed.
- Facilitate your baby falling asleep in bed. Prepare your infant for bed and place them in their crib when they are sleepy but not yet asleep when they start to show signs of drowsiness, such as eye rubbing or fussiness. As a result, their bed becomes more commonplace as a place to fall asleep.
- Minimize distractions to sleep. As few potential disturbances as you can should be present in your child’s sleeping area. A white noise machine could be useful if you are unable to control outside noise.
- Reinforce a day-night distinction. Your baby will become accustomed to the idea that the day is for play and the night is for sleep if there is more activity during the day, especially if it involves exposure to natural light.
Your baby might still wake up in the middle of the night even if you meticulously follow all of these instructions. Keep back from entering right away if that occurs. Check to see if your child can calm down and fall back to sleep on their own after a short while. If you do need to check on them or feed them, keep light and noise to a minimum and try to avoid any stimulation that might make it difficult for them to fall asleep again.
Your infant might cry when you leave their crib if they are experiencing separation anxiety. If this happens, resist the urge to remove them from the crib. Try rubbing their head or speaking in a soft, soothing voice as an alternative to providing them with light comfort. You can leave the crib and let them sleep once they have calmed down.

Sleep Tips
During a sleep regression, follow these quick tips to help your baby fall asleep once more:
- Create the right sleep atmosphere – if you live in a busy city with bright lights and loud noises, you can try using blackout blinds and a (baby safe) white noise machine to keep a tranquil feeling in your little one’s sleep space.
- Keep up your sleep schedule – panicking and changing up your little one’s schedule is likely to just confuse them, and won’t solve the root causes of the sleep regression. To give your baby a sense of familiarity, stick to your routine instead.
- Put baby to bed when drowsy, not asleep – putting your baby down in their crib when they’re drowsy encourages them to learn how to self soothe, even if it’s only for a minute or so before they’re completely fast asleep!
- Try sleepwear like our Zen Sack – gently weighted to mimic your soothing touch, this wearable blanket is suitable for 6-month-olds and can help them learn to self-soothe – ideal for sleep training!
- Play during awake time – if your baby isn’t sleeping because they want to practice a new milestone skill at night, give them plenty of time to try it out during the day instead.
FAQs About 6 Month Sleep Regression
How Long Does Sleep Regression Last After 6 Months?
The average duration of a baby’s sleep regression is 2 to 6 weeks; if it persists for much longer than this, you should consult a pediatrician to rule out any underlying health issues..
When Do Infants Sleep Through The Night?
Each baby is unique and will reach milestones at different times, just like with anything else pertaining to infant sleep.
Although infants are developmentally capable of sleeping through the night by 6 months old, this does not guarantee that they do. They may have trouble sleeping for a number of reasons, such as: the 6-month sleep regression, being in the habit of night feeding, and more..
6 Months Old Babies Still Need To Be Fed At Night?
At this age, babies have the developmental capacity to go 6–8 hours without a feed. They might simply be in the habit of waking up and pleading to be fed since it is still new to them..
How To Teach My 6-month-old To Comfort Himself?
You can typically begin sleep-training a baby using a technique of your choice when they reach the age of 6 months.
The best way to help your baby sleep through the night on his or her own is typically to do this along with a regular sleep schedule. This will also help to establish healthy sleep habits for your baby and toddler in the future..
Why Do My 6 Months Baby Keep Getting Up During The Night?
After a period of regular sleep patterns, if your baby’s sleep is now becoming disrupted and inconsistent, you’re probably dealing with the 6 month sleep regression.
This can happen for a variety of reasons, ranging from more psychological ones like separation anxiety to more physical ones like teething and reaching new milestones. However, none of these causes should worry you because they are all perfectly normal, and your child’s sleep is likely to return to normal in a matter of weeks..
Is It Teething At 6 Months Or A Sleep Regression?
Even though you might separate these two issues, teething is a factor that may cause your baby to experience a sleep regression. However, you can check for signs like a flushed cheek, a high temperature, or red and sore gums to determine whether teething pains are the cause of your child’s lack of sleep at night. If this is the case, you can try treatments like gently massaging their gums with a wet finger or giving them a chilled (not frozen) teething toy. Hopefully, using these tips, you can begin to improve your baby’s sleep..
6 month sleep regression is unpleasant. When you’re in the thick of it, you’ll probably feel frustrated and worn out.
However, hold on because better nights are ahead and this phase won’t last forever!
In a few weeks, you’ll be smiling as you put your baby to sleep on their comfy Newton Baby Mattress. And both you and your child will feel wonderful about that!
Regarding your reading, I thank you. Please read our most recent posts if you want to learn more about sleep regression after 6 months. Have a nice day!