How To Clean Mattress Topper In An Easy And Useful Way? 

How To Clean Mattress Topper In An Easy And Useful Way 

Many people may have a question: how to clean mattress topper?

It is not advisable to clean mattress toppers in the washing machine, especially foam mattress toppers, as this will quickly wear them out. Typically, all that is required to maintain a mattress topper is vacuuming, spot cleaning, and deodorizing.

A mattress topper requires a lot of maintenance, but cleaning it is not the main task. A topper will stay fresher for longer with protection, prevention, and routine maintenance.

Sheets and a mattress protector should be used to cover a mattress topper. Try to keep mattress toppers out of harm’s way and away from liquids. Immediately deal with spills and stains. Regularly wash bedding, including sheets. To keep mattress toppers fresh and dry, regularly check, clean, and ventilate them.

Consider treating your mattress topper like a significant investment if you want to ensure that it will last. Look for a mattress topper that best meets your individual needs and is thick, strong, and of high quality. A mattress protector is one accessory you might want to use to keep your topper clean and dry. A mattress topper will last for a very long time if it is properly cared for.

Here are some time-saving tips and how frequently you should change your bedsheets if you want to have a more organized linen closet, including how to fold a fitted sheet in under a minute. In order to simplify your life, why not try out this popular hack for making beds?

An Explanation Of Mattress Toppers

Mattress toppers are an additional layer of foam that lies on top of your mattress and beneath your sheets. These are typically made of memory foam, gel, hollow and microfiber, feathers, and latex. These mattresses are intended to revitalize an old or uncomfortable one and can provide additional comfort and support. The best part is that, in some cases, a mattress topper is significantly less expensive than purchasing a brand-new mattress for your bed.  

Can You Wash a Mattress Topper?

Mattress toppers are bound to get dirty, but can you actually wash a mattress topper? Your topper’s material will determine the answer. Toppers come in a variety of materials, including memory foam, cotton, latex, wool, blends of polyester, and feathers.

Most mattress toppers cannot be machine-washed, although some can. When washing memory foam mattress toppers, in particular, the structure of the foam can be damaged, whereas the majority of cotton toppers can be washed in the machine.

Check the care label for instructions on how to determine if you can wash your mattress.

Can You Wash a Mattress Topper
Can You Wash a Mattress Topper?

How To Clean Mattress Topper?

Prepare Vinegar Solution

The day after they are made is when vinegar cleaning solutions are at their most effective, according to a study of various household cleaning products. 1So, make a fresh vinegar cleaning solution before you start cleaning to get rid of bacteria, germs, and stains on your mattress topper.
Fill your clean spray bottle with an equal mixture of water and white vinegar. If you’d like, you can add a few drops of your preferred essential oil. However, be careful when using essential oils because they can be potent and interfere with your ability to sleep if you can taste eucalyptus while you’re trying to get some shut-eye. 

Use A Towel to Soak Up Fresh Liquid Stains

You should dab up any leftover liquids with a towel before applying your solution if you’re cleaning a fresh liquid stain on your mattress topper. After that, immediately place that damp towel into the laundry hamper; do not attempt to reuse it at a later stage. 

Spray The Mattress Topper

To clean the stain on your mattress pad, spritz it with your freshly made vinegar cleaning solution. You want to thoroughly dampen the mattress topper, but you don’t want to go overboard and leave it dripping wet. 

This could be a good opportunity to thoroughly clean your foam topper if you have never done so. You can concentrate solely on the affected area if you’re only attempting to manage a recent stain outside of your regular cleaning schedule. 

Utilizing a brand-new towel, dab up any extra liquid after thoroughly dampening the pad. Don’t worry about getting this exact; the next step will remove any moisture that remains. 

Sprinkle Baking Soda & Wait

Sprinkle baking soda liberally over your mattress topper, covering the entire topper or just the trouble spot, and let it sit for at least eight hours. It’s best to begin this project in the morning so you can finish it that same evening and get back to the comfort of your mattress because the baking soda needs to sit. 

Vacuum, Reassemble, and Enjoy

Use a handheld vacuum cleaner to clean your mattress topper after the baking soda has absorbed all liquid and odors, then put your bed back together. After that, you’re welcome to resume your regularly scheduled programming: a good night’s sleep with a fresh foam mattress topper!

How Often Should You Wash a Mattress Topper?

You don’t need to wash your mattress topper every week like you would your sheets and pillowcases. In fact, too much cleaning can actually reduce the lifespan of mattress toppers.

Ideally, you should only be cleaning your mattress topper once every three months, depending on how dirty it gets. Spot cleaning spills and stains as soon as they happen can help you cut down on how often you wash between those months.

Signs to Clean Mattress Topper

Because your sheets cover your mattress topper, it’s not always obvious when it needs to be cleaned. Although cleaning it every few months is advised, if you have allergies and believe your topper is to blame, you may want to do so sooner.

These indications can help you determine when it’s time to clean your mattress topper, so keep an eye out for them.


It’s time to clean your mattress topper if it begins to emit a strong odor. Some smells, like sweat, are simple to get rid of with a wash.

But if your mattress starts to have a musty or mildewed smell, you may want to consider getting a new mattress topper. In addition to posing significant health risks, mold and mildew thrive in moist conditions. Coughing, headaches, joint pain, fatigue, and other symptoms can result from sleeping on a topper that has been attracted by either.

Stains and Spills

By regularly deep cleaning your mattress topper, even the toughest stains can be removed. In order to prevent permanent damage, it’s important to clean up any spills that you may have on your topper as soon as you can. To make sure you can easily get it out, stains should also be taken care of right away.


If you’ve had your mattress topper for a while, you might have noticed significant discoloration in patches. The discoloration is typically caused by sweat, body oils, or even a spill. They can be more difficult to spot clean than stains, so a deeper cleaning might be necessary to make your topper look brand new once more.

Signs to Clean Mattress Topper
Signs to Clean Mattress Topper

Avoid Topper Cleaning Mistakes

It will be easier to keep your mattress topper fresh without damaging it if you take care when cleaning it on a regular basis. Actually, some methods can completely destroy your topper. Here are the top mistakes you should avoid when cleaning your mattress topper cover:

Use Washing Machines to Clean Your Topper

Your mattress topper’s structural integrity may be permanently harmed by a washing machine cycle. Checking the care instructions when you first buy your mattress topper can help you avoid further harming it.

Because the Puffy Mattress Topper cover is machine washable, it is easier to maintain and keep clean.

Air Dry Your Topper under Direct Sunlight

Air-drying foam mattress toppers in the sun can result in melting. Due to the heat sensitivity of the majority of foam mattress toppers, it is not advised to use a machine dryer after washing them.

A well-ventilated room or a dry, shaded area outside are the best places to keep your mattress topper for the best results while still preserving its structural integrity.

Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Stubborn Stains

Although some types of tough stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide, it is not advised to use it on any kind of foam. This is because hydrogen peroxide can actually damage a mattress topper’s surface and ruin the color and texture of the foam you are sleeping on.

Using an enzyme-based cleaner is the best option if you have a tough stain because it will help keep your topper safely cleaned.

Use Your Mattress Topper When It’s Half-dry

Utilizing your mattress topper before it is fully dried puts you at risk for the growth of mold and mildew. Prior to putting your mattress topper back on top of your bed after air drying it, it is best to leave it out for a full day to ensure that it has dried completely.

Using a hair dryer on the lowest setting can avoid damage and complete the task if any damp patches persist despite drying.

Keep Your Mattress Topper Fresh Between Washes

You can extend the freshness of your mattress topper for a considerable amount of time with routine cleaning. It doesn’t have to be a full wash every time – here are a couple of simple ways you can keep your mattress topper fresh in the meantime:

  • To keep fresh stains from setting, wipe them up right away.
  • After each clean, flip the topper to distribute wear more evenly.
  • To keep it from developing an odor, occasionally air out your mattress topper.
  • In the event of spills, use paper towels to absorb extra liquid.

When to Replace Your Mattress Topper?

It’s crucial to understand when your mattress topper needs to be thoroughly cleaned and when it should be replaced. There are many visual indicators that tell you when it’s time to replace your mattress topper. Here’s what you should look out for:

Irreparable Wear and Tear

While some wear and tear is to be expected, especially with foam mattress toppers, it’s important to try to get a replacement if you see more than a few holes or rips in the fabric.

Thinned Out Material

Over time, foam toppers have a tendency to flatten out, which can reduce the comfort of your bed as a whole.

For this reason, it is especially crucial to spend money on premium foam mattress toppers, which frequently have greater structural integrity and superior warranties to less expensive models.

A lifetime warranty and two comfort levels allow you to fine-tune the level of comfort on your mattress with the Puffy Mattress topper.

Lasting Odor

Despite routine cleaning, a strange odor coming from your mattress topper could be a sign of mold or mildew. Your health will suffer if you sleep on a mold-filled mattress topper. Any topper with a persistent odor should be changed as soon as you can.

Resistance to Regular Cleaning

Last but not least, if your mattress topper doesn’t seem to be benefiting from routine cleaning, it’s time to make a new purchase. Try switching to something a little more concentrated if you’re cleaning your topper with natural materials to see if that makes a difference.

A sign that the stains on your topper’s surface are too deeply embedded to be removed further is if your topper completely stops responding to washing.

When to Replace Your Mattress Topper
When to Replace Your Mattress Topper?

How To Get Stains Out Of A Mattress Topper?

Your topper might require a different cleaning strategy if stains have already set in. How to get rid of stains is as follows:

  1. A cleaning solution can be selected (see below).
  2. A clean cloth should be dipped into a small amount of the solution.
  3. With the solution-soaked cloth, gently blot the stained area.
  4. Blot the stained area with a different cloth that has been dipped in cold water.
  5. Repeat as needed.
  6. To remove moisture, apply baking soda and let it sit for at least 8 hours.
  7. Air-dry the mattress surface after vacuuming it.

To get rid of stains from mattress protectors, try one of these cleaning solutions:

Enzyme Cleaner – Commercial enzyme cleaners are effective, especially for biological stains like those brought on by urine, sweat, and blood. Most grocery stores carry enzyme cleaners next to the laundry detergent.

Dish Soap – Additionally efficient is the use of a little dish soap diluted in water. Make the mixture sudsy, and then only clean the topper with the foam that forms on top.

Vinegar – Some stains can be removed with white vinegar diluted 1:1 with water.

Hydrogen Peroxide – A hydrogen peroxide and water solution that has been diluted one to one may work better on extremely tough stains, like blood. Use peroxide sparingly and only when other methods have failed because it can bleach or damage memory foam.

To get rid of stubborn stains, you might occasionally need to experiment with a few different cleaning agents.

The best practice is to blot rather than soak and use a modest amount of cleaner. But if the stain is deeply embedded, you might need to use more cleaner and give it some time to work. If you choose to follow this path, be sure to follow it up with a lot of baking soda and give the mattress topper enough time to completely dry.

We suggest using a mattress protector to shield your mattress from future spills and stains. Waterproof mattress protectors should be taken into consideration by people who have pets or young children.

How To Avoid Mattress Topper Stains?

Although it’s challenging to completely prevent stains on a mattress pad, investing in a more breathable mattress topper can help lessen nighttime perspiration and the unfortunate sweat stains that come along with it. Also available from Casper are their Hyperlite cooling sheets, which feature 100% TENCEL Lyocell and a special weave for year-round maximum breathability and cooling comfort. See more about How To Make Your Mattress Firmer?

How To Extend The Life Of Memory Foam Mattress Toppers?

High-quality memory foam mattress toppers typically last three to four years, but with proper maintenance, they could last even longer. Their longevity is influenced by their thickness because the thinner ones deteriorate more quickly. To increase the lifespan of your mattress toppers, use fitted sheets and mattress protectors.

Mattress Protectors

To prevent stains from unintentional spills, use a mattress protector. They are made of waterproof material, providing a simple defense against liquid spills. You can wash mattress protectors in the washing machine with a mild detergent.

Fitted Sheets

Fitted sheets occasionally have large enough pockets to hold both your mattress and mattress topper. For instance, a fitted sheet with pockets that are more than 16 inches deep can accommodate a mattress that is 12 inches tall and a mattress topper that is 4 inches tall. Before purchasing a fitted sheet large enough to fit both your mattress and topper, measure their depths. Typically, the thinner toppers are firm and the thicker toppers are plush.

Fitted sheets keep your mattress topper free of dead skin cells, dust mites, and other household allergens. To prevent a buildup of dirt, wash them frequently.

The Lifespan Of A Mattress Topper

A good mattress topper can last as long as a mattress if kept in good condition. While a cheap mattress topper might only last two years. To avoid stains, you can always cover a mattress topper with a good mattress protector.

How To Clean Mattress Topper In An Easy And Useful Way 
How To Clean Mattress Topper In An Easy And Useful Way? 


Can I Clean My Memory Foam Topper’s Stains With Hydrogen Peroxide?

Although it can discolor your topper’s fabric cover, hydrogen peroxide is a good stain remover. Some stains that are difficult to remove might require a different strategy because the typical household items might not be sufficient. It’s preferable in such circumstances to use an enzyme-based stain remover, which is accessible in the laundry aisle of any general store.

The Washer Accepts Memory Foam, Right?

No, memory foam loses structural integrity when washed in a machine. The topper might become unusable if there is too much agitation that tears the foam. Don’t dry memory foam in the dryer either.

Why Do Foam Mattress Toppers Turn Yellow?

Yellow stains on your memory foam mattress toppers can result from a buildup of sweat and body oil. Use vinegar or baking soda to get rid of these stains. It’s best to address them as soon as you notice them.

Which Mattress Topper—Memory Foam Or Gel—is Superior?

Your preference determines what happens. Gel mattress toppers are the best choice if you want a cool feeling in bed. They are a viable option for warm sleepers. Whether you choose a memory foam or gel foam mattress topper, be sure to find the firmness level that you prefer.

What Distinguishes A Pad From A Mattress Topper?

Thinner than mattress toppers are mattress pads. Mattress toppers can either soften or firm the feel of your bed; they are used to doing so. Some mattress protectors can be washed in the washing machine in warm or cold water using a gentle cycle and a mild detergent.

How to Clean Mattress Topper With Baking Soda?

Make thorough use of the handheld attachment on your vacuum to clean the topper. Over the entire surface of the topper, sift a thin layer of baking soda. For at least 8 hours, let the topper sit with the baking soda covering it. To thoroughly remove the baking soda, vacuum the topper thoroughly.

How to Wash a Memory Foam Mattress Topper?

Spray a bottle with a solution of one part detergent to two parts warm water.Gently spray over the topper, avoiding excess water on the foam. Spray continuously across the top of the topper as you move the bottle around. The structure of memory foam may be harmed by too much water, which also slows the drying process.

How to Wash Mattress Topper in Washing Machine?

For machine washing, you’ll want to use warm or cold water and run it on a gentle cycle. When washing your mattress topper in the washing machine, avoid using harsh detergent. Choose a gentle detergent instead. Additionally, you shouldn’t use bleach to clean this mattress topper because it is too abrasive for the fabric.


So, do you know how to clean mattress toppers?

One of the best mattress toppers could be useful if your mattress is worn out or outdated. If you use a mattress topper, understanding how to clean it is vital to keeping it fresh for as long as possible. The best mattress toppers are designed to sit on top of your mattress to add an extra layer of comfort and support at night.  Additionally, these can prevent you from purchasing a brand-new mattress, and they come in a variety of materials, including memory foam and latex, depending on your preferences. 

Like our bedsheets, toppers are subject to a buildup of sweat, skin cells, and grease each night, which can lead to odors and stains. Due to its size, cleaning a mattress topper is more difficult than washing a set of sheets. Fortunately, there are some excellent suggestions for cleaning a mattress topper that only calls for common household items. 

  • November 23, 2022